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bride mimoki Pink Nude

bride mimoki Pink Nude

It makes Me an illusion of madness to share the wedding of Marina in Sevilla . Because the bride It's pure energy , Optimism , Fun and joy . Because she was radiant with beauty and happiness , Because it was a joy to create your mimoki of spikes color Nude , And those of the sobris we share , And many others for that day .

Because it was a beautiful and hilarious wedding , As they are Marina and Nicky ! I enjoyed it with them and I wanted her to tell how she lived her great wedding of Latin rhythms and Andalusian flavor .

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mimoki - headpieces - bride

mimoki - headpieces - bride

"The place...

When Nicky and I got engaged , The first thing we had to decide was whether we would get married in the United States or in Spain . As we both live in Miami , The idea was difficult to do in Spain but... If you want you can ! And that's how , With all the support of my mother , We managed to organize an amazing wedding in Seville , Where I was born...

The original idea was to make the celebration on some estate , But there were so many guests who had flown from the other side of the puddle , That we decided it had to be a centric site . When my friend Maria told me that her cousin was the chef of the Hotel Alfonso XIII I didn't think about it . It was the perfect place !

Between Mirka Eventos y The Jesus Gallery Forts They decorated the gardens and the Hotel lounge .

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*Patricia con Vestido de Space for Mimoki y las coronas de flores preservadas de las damitas de arras también las encargaron en mimoki.

outfits ...

Lo siguiente fue decidir vestido. Lo primero que hice fue empezar a “bichear” en Instagram, descubriendo un nuevo mundo para mí. Tenía claro que mis vestido sería “made in Spain” y también que tenía que ser un modelo de colección, ya que viviendo tan lejos no podría hacer muchas pruebas. Fue entonces cuando descubrí Beba’s Closet y tuve una corazonada. En mi siguiente visita a Madrid, mi madre me cogió cita en varios sitios, pero cuando llegué a Bebas lo encontré! Como no me veía de blanco, cuando vi ese vestido rosa pensé que debía ser para mí…

He was clear that he wanted to carry a mimoki In the head , So once I picked the dress I sent them picture and they did exactly what I was looking for (though I did not know it then).

Nicky wanted to wear a blue morning coat but it seems that in Miami do not exist , So we went to the option that doesn't fail: scalpers. My brother-in-law gave him the necktie which was also of scalpers . was gorgeous !

Makeup and hair...

Álvaro Talayero He made a miracle with me... The night before the wedding I went out to the 5am , So the wedding day was a little "Touched ” ... But nothing a magician like Álvaro could solve !

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The wedding...

Fue especialmente emocionante ver, por primera vez, cómo nuestras familias y amigos se conocían y disfrutaban de este día. Americanos, cubanos, colombianos, dominicanos, portorriqueños, españoles… Un intercambio cultural increíble!

Will Marsala was the photographer . I love all the pictures he made ! Everybody told me I didn't know how , But that was everywhere... He was also accompanied by his friend Jose Salto , Another great professional who took care of the video .

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mimoki - headpieces - bride

The best for the latest . The party organized by Mickey Pavón, fiesta asegurada. Pa

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mimoki - headpieces -Brides

mimoki - headpieces -Brides

mimoki - headpieces -Brides

1 comentario


I loved the story, The amazing boyfriends ! !
The bride Lucia with a naturalness and exquisite beauty, the headpiece VAT with the dress , and the neckline of the sword , altogether Divinaaaa . .
I wish you much happiness .

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